Cursed Legions

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Welcome the Cursed Legions!

This is a Blog that I have set up to develop and work on a personal project I started some months back. That project is the creation of Chapter trait system for the Space Marines that will enable a player to field cursed legion Space Marine Chapters.

What are cursed Legion Space Marines?
Well, with out going into a list, Cursed Legion Space Marine Chapters are those chapters that fall into the gray area between Codex chapters and non-codex Chapters. Codex Chapters being represented by the likes of Ultramarines, Raven Guard, Imperial Fists, Crimson fists, and basically any chapter you can make out of Codex Space Marines, where as Non-codex Chapters would be like the Space wolves who flat out refuse to follow the Codex. An example of cursed Marine chapters would be the Blood angles, who follow the Codex but have some reason that prevents them from adhering to the letter of the Codex. In the Blood Angles case it's the Black Rage. When their marines are afflicted with it, the chapter really has no choice but to field as death companies. Cursed legions are a similar concept. There's some quirk that make them different enough that they can't be truely represented out of Codex Space Marines.

Are these rules offical?
Not yet. For the present time, these rules should be considered house rules only. Meaning, if you wish to use them, you must get your opponent's permission. I do however have every intention of working these rules up to the point that they can be submitted to Games Workshop, though that point is several years down the line.


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